Genre : Black Metal
Origin : United States
Lyrical Themes: Traditional Satanism, Chaos Luciferianism
Links : N/A
01.Blood Flows from Saints and Their Lord 02:31
02.As Kingdoms Burn 03:54
03.Holocaust of Holy Vermin, Victory of the Satanic Race 02:35
04.Blessed with the Blood of the Sacrifice 02:40
05.Doctrine of the Serpent 02:43
06.Ceremonial Rituals of Demonic Chaos 03:16
07.Apocalyptic Destruction of Heaven 02:42
08.Womb of Shadows (Birth of the Antichrist) 03:32
09.Demonic Witching Hour, Mockery of the Holy Trinity 03:06
10.Command, Conquer, Destroy 02:05